Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What did Judas Betray?

Today God revealed this to me through a man who has since passed to the next dimension. I heard it with my spirit and cried for awhile because it is true.

Was Judas a friend or foe to Christ? He was definitly chosen. Jesus said no man can take my life, yet religion likes to paint a picture of Judas as the betrayer. Judas actually betrayed the Messianic secret and purpose to the Kingdom. He never betrayed Christ.

Judas comes from the word "Judah" One of the twelve tribes Jacob (Israel) was Judah's Father Judah actually means "The Power, the hand" It represented God's hand in all of this.

Judas (God's hand) was predestined to reveal the secret of the seed that had to die, to bring forth the tree (Life) that would bear many seeds.

Judas hung himself and his bowels gushed out. he gave us the secret to the Kingdom. Many seeds.

Now it is our turn. We are the many seeds that die and are buried in the ground and this multiplication will continue......... We will betray our Masters secrets tee hee

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