Wednesday, August 13, 2008

There is proof there is a God !!!!

here is a good article on Quantum Physics.

It is so hard to put in words what it has done for me. all I know when I read about it in many books some things stand out for me.

Albert Einstein stated " (Hence his famous quote "God does not play dice with the universe.")

That tells me that there is a predestined order to all things, even as small as our atoms and molecules. It also has been brought to my attention that when these scientists were studying and figureing out the Quantum realm that one other thing stuck out. that matter (atoms, particles etc.) all changed by the observer.

What is striking for me is that proved to me that we have something to do with all of the creation . It answered to me "Who is man? If things change the moment I look upon it then I am a creator. the illusion can change in the way we see things. another thing struck me when I read books on it.

I knew that God was the cells, nucleus, atoms protons in small patterns and he was orchestrating creation. It was if God was showing me that in our molecular bodies the God in me was looking at the God in you.

He is orchestrating all of Creation and is CONTINUALLY CREATING. He is in charge even if we think we have a free will, I think and really know now that he is orchestrating things for me and all of us to see.

That is about all I can say on the subject for right now. These are the things I love about Quantum realm. Knowing we can change things, by our looking (gazing ) on it and also that it is really God that is ordaining it.

There is proof there is a God.

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