Saturday, August 16, 2008

We've been Marked !!!

In Pythagorean mathematics, the number 6 is considered the only \perfect\ number between one and ten. It signifies divine wisdom, harmony, equilibrium, and balance between the feminine and masculine dimensions of consciousness. The balances are in his hand. tee hee

666 then would represent our threefold nature and that it is in perfect operation. It is nothing to be afraid of. This mark everyone already has. It has always gone the way God wants it to go.

It is God that is in the Beastlike state of man and he is evolving as us. Yepereeee good neighbor.

We need to see this so we don't separate him from ourselves any longer. It is not us and God , it is only God. He never changes because he is always changing, he is the God who is, the God who was and the God which is to come. Always evolving.

"I AM THE LORD THY GOD AND BESIDES ME THERE IS NO OTHER" yes indeed. ooops blaspheme........ tee hee.

We are the waymakers of this universe It is the step Jesus made in perfect progression and then the people would not follow him any longer. yes they were not suppose to. They had to get it for themselves. Yeah!!!

That is when they will call you having a devil, and that we are blasphemers. we are marked by God. Branded. We belong to him. We cannot buy or sell unless we have this mark. He LIVES !!!

The whole creation needs this. They are being swallowed up in the lie and illusion of separation. We need to pierce through the veil of this illusion and enter into the most holy place.

Don't be afraid to take the mark of the beast, you already have it. Now we are being perfected according to the Divine purpose and plan.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Pure in Heart

Is the consequence not the condition to seeing God.

C'mon John!!!

Herodias had to dance. She had to ask for your head. Your beheading left a place for the son of man to lay his. All done in proper sequence and paved the way for Christ. All done in predestination and in God's orderly arrangement. Give the girl a break. tee hee.

Dreamers of the Dream

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream...." - Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka from the film_Willie Wonka And The Chocolate Factory

The "Throat Chakra" dedicated to "Silent"

I am one who gets signs all the time. Or should I say, I see them and recognize them. Today my day did not start out well. My perception was in the toilet and my throat cried out the unbelief I still have residing in me. I sat quietly (yes me) and God began to show me this Indian that has taken a liking to me at the prison. His name is "Silent" tee hee.

At first I felt uncomfortable that this inmate was following me around and the such. But ah, yes there is a message in that too.

I was doing a bunk search yesterday and "Silent" approached me and said, don't do one in my bunk because I have sacred things you cannot touch. I told him that he was not the one I was doing the search on for that day, but at any given time I would do one.

As I walked over to the bunk of another inmate. "Silent" came and sat by me. He sat behind me on another inmates bunk and said he wanted to bring his fan and cool me. I looked at him like "what are you doing dude?" but you see, God was talking to me through that inmate. I just did not see it at the time.

He said I did not have to do a thorough search but I told him I had to do the best I could and then I laughed. I'm thinking to myself gee, what does this inmate want? Does he want to compromise me and get me fired? Is this a game or what

. At that moment while being in the situation, I did not see God's plan for me. I am hard headed at times and proud and God has to send remarkable things to me.

One of the other officers came in and asked me if I would work Chow hall today and said yes. As I was by the window where they all line up and get the food, I'm kinfof like a monitor to make sure no one is getting more than the other, (tee hee )

Silent walks up to me and again says "Norrbom, I'd walk into a wall for you". I thought it was crazy that he said that. Anyways he invited me to come to the Native American sweat lodge so he could show me his medicine bag. It's sacred so I'm not allowed to touch it but I told him that I did not know it was possible or not, depended on where I'm posted.

He said, "Norrbom, you will find your' way" yikes. Is this God or what? tee hee

It hit me and this morning I was not attuned to the higher vibrations of the crown Charkra. My focus was on the throat chakra and blurted out all kinds of crazy shit and then God reminded me of "Silent" today and I knew it. God sent this inmate to me. He sent him as a sign.

Silent actually has tatooed all over his neck the name "Silent" but I know now he was sent to tell me to silence the thoughts of despair I was thinking and not to voice them and give them power today. I did earlier and I repented to God for my disbelief. He has indeed sent me to the school of the spirit even at my employment to teach me what is going on.

Did not Jesus say "take not the thought and say it"

I did. I took the thought and said it and learned a powerful lesson.

I'm to "Silent" my throat chakra and then climb to the mountaintop( spirit) with the crown chakra. the funny thing is today I was to climb silly mountain (literally) and I called it off because of my crazy morning of the throat.

You see God wanted me to climb that silly mountain today and he wanted me to function in the crown, but i didn't. May I always see the signs God is giving me in everyday occurences. This one is for you "Silent" I love you today.

Not Every Word Belongs to us.

Accoustical Archeology is a science that records words and sounds that have been floating in this universe for eons. They have actually recorded sounds of waterfalls and are tapping into the very words Jesus the Christ spoke.

Now in realizing this I thought of Satan being the prince of the power of the air.

We don't have to take every thought and speak it. Some of the thoughts do not belong to us.

Hidden Manna

Manna means "What is it".

The people did not know what it was.

I know what it is. It is the eating of his body and drinking his blood. If you wait another day worms will get in it. It perishes. Don't wait for another day, the hidden manna is here NOW for all to enjoy.

God certainly does provide

There is proof there is a God !!!!

here is a good article on Quantum Physics.

It is so hard to put in words what it has done for me. all I know when I read about it in many books some things stand out for me.

Albert Einstein stated " (Hence his famous quote "God does not play dice with the universe.")

That tells me that there is a predestined order to all things, even as small as our atoms and molecules. It also has been brought to my attention that when these scientists were studying and figureing out the Quantum realm that one other thing stuck out. that matter (atoms, particles etc.) all changed by the observer.

What is striking for me is that proved to me that we have something to do with all of the creation . It answered to me "Who is man? If things change the moment I look upon it then I am a creator. the illusion can change in the way we see things. another thing struck me when I read books on it.

I knew that God was the cells, nucleus, atoms protons in small patterns and he was orchestrating creation. It was if God was showing me that in our molecular bodies the God in me was looking at the God in you.

He is orchestrating all of Creation and is CONTINUALLY CREATING. He is in charge even if we think we have a free will, I think and really know now that he is orchestrating things for me and all of us to see.

That is about all I can say on the subject for right now. These are the things I love about Quantum realm. Knowing we can change things, by our looking (gazing ) on it and also that it is really God that is ordaining it.

There is proof there is a God.

The book of Job

I was reading this quote by Carl Jung today and it hit me like a bolt of lightning. The book of Job is actually about him finding out that he only needed to go inside of himself to find out the answers and not to listen to all the other voices. Here is the quote and it revolutionized me today. I cried with joy when I read this. God can surely use anything!!!!!

Carl Jung said: " Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens! In the book of Job, when Job realized that looking for answers from others was only making him feel worse, he turned to spirit and found his way back. I know that every perfect answer comes from God, I can not find it from an outside source, for God lives in me.

What did Judas Betray?

Today God revealed this to me through a man who has since passed to the next dimension. I heard it with my spirit and cried for awhile because it is true.

Was Judas a friend or foe to Christ? He was definitly chosen. Jesus said no man can take my life, yet religion likes to paint a picture of Judas as the betrayer. Judas actually betrayed the Messianic secret and purpose to the Kingdom. He never betrayed Christ.

Judas comes from the word "Judah" One of the twelve tribes Jacob (Israel) was Judah's Father Judah actually means "The Power, the hand" It represented God's hand in all of this.

Judas (God's hand) was predestined to reveal the secret of the seed that had to die, to bring forth the tree (Life) that would bear many seeds.

Judas hung himself and his bowels gushed out. he gave us the secret to the Kingdom. Many seeds.

Now it is our turn. We are the many seeds that die and are buried in the ground and this multiplication will continue......... We will betray our Masters secrets tee hee

Mustard Seed

Quantum physics is the only science that can fit inside the mustard seed. tee hee.

the unseen realm of the miraculous.

The place of no place. the place of all probabilities.

The place of "All things are possible."

making something out of nothing. ( Hey doesn't God do that?)

It is evident that God is Real !!!!

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of God many say is within you. Actually the whole person is the Kingdom of God. It is a body, soul and spirit realm. There is nothing that is inside of us or outside of us that is not God's Kingdom. This is a reality. The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom that subdues all other Kingdoms or mindsets. When God initiated the fall of man it was for a reason. He put the serpent mind in the mind of man. The Kingdom is when the serpent (flesh man) is put under our feet in full authority. God tempted the soul mind of man (Eve) and she then gave to Adam (man) the food to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. This is where the fall took place. In Adam (male, female) the separation came. He believed the lie. However Adam was supposed to believe the lie and then in the 2nd Adam all became alive with the Christ mind. What did Jesus hang on the cross. His flesh man. He was hanging the first Adam and shed the blood. The blood had to run out of those veins so we could receive the blood of the Christ. The blood of Christ is spirit. Most believers sing about the blood, but the blood Jesus shed was his old man. We are to drink of the new wine. (The blood of the spirit) We are to drink of the heavenly blood that we receive and the heavenly body. That is why many are sick and afflicted. They have not yet discerned the Lord's body. (who we are) We are in a process of undoing everything. Religion is always doing something. God does not want us to do anything. God wants to undo the lies of religion that have had man bound.

Lilies of the Field

Consider the lilies (God's elect), how they grow, They neither (wearily) toil nor spin nor weave. Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his Glory (his splendor and magnificense) was not arrayed (God himself) like one of these.

The Wolf and the Lamb

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.There are many aspects of our personality. One is the lamb aspect (surrender and submission) and another is the wolf (agressor). In the Kingdom in order for a little child to lead, we have these aspects lie down together within our very own being. You know it even says that a leopard (who cannot change its spots) shall lie down with the kid. God does not want us to do away with any of these aspects. They all lie down together which means they join together as one and we can rest in who and what we are.Religion has taught us that there is something wrong if we operate in aspect of the wolf......or the leopard. God uses all these aspects of ourself.

His Blood

Matthew 27:24-26 24When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. 26Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.Did you notice that not only did Pilate prophecy his innocence, But all the people cried out in fulfillment of the restitution of all things , declaring his blood on us and our children.Most people would see this as a negative statement with People railing against Jesus. I see it as fullfillment of all things.

Taking your thoughts captive

Well it means that your thoughts don't rule you, you begin to rule your thoughts. After you start ruling your thoughts then the rest of your actions follow suit. Life is a lot of circumstances that can bring us down if we let it, but we are more than conquerers and we take every thought captive and create our universe. I don't believe in free will. But I do believe that after God aprehends you then he lives in you and then you do have the choice to create your world (his world).The power (his hand) is now in your hand and his spirit (his anointing) abides in you and you have no need for any MAN to teach you, because the spirit of the CHRIST is now the teacher and lives in you.

The Mark of the Beast

Everyone is afraid to take the mark of the beast. But do they realize that they have already taken the mark. The number 6 in the original language means incomplete. So 666 is incomplete in spirit, soul, and body (the three dimensions or heavens of man). To be complete would be losing your life and gaining the life of God.Now most believers still live the life of the old man. They walk the old man, talk the old man, they have a relationship with God. Did God really want us to have a relationship with him. NO. He is our life substance. I realize that there are those that are predestined to be the elect of God and carry on the mission of bringing in the Kingdom. Then there are those, that no matter what they do, they will always be the "OLD MAN ADAM" They cannot help it. It is just that they have to wait for the elect to bring the Kingdom forth. The manifested sons of God bringing immortality and life and swallowing up death in victory. Then and only then can the elect bring the whole creation back unto the father.

What if God was one of us?

Many people on this earth believe in attaining to some kind of spirituality. They strive and climb every ladder or stairway to heaven so to speak. They never seem to attain to it. never can get spiritual enough and feel empty inside. Some say they found Jesus , yet their heart is just as empty as it was when they first started this quest.What if, God is having a human experience? What if he decided that he wanted to feel the things he created. To laugh, to cry, to love, to hate, selfishness, giving, receiving, lovemaking, intimacy, rejection, fear. Feeling all of this with every fiber of himself. Do you believe that God is love? If he is, then would he not have mercy and compassion on himself for the things that he created. The emotions , wants and needs that we all go through are really God going through it. And he does bring us through all of it. We trust, because he is in each one of us giving us that measure of faith to trust.

Do we have free will?

Most people think that we have choices. Not if you are the elect. Your path has been made by God himself and he willed it for you to do his will here on earth. It may seem like you make choices, but you don't. God will put the squeeze on you to make sure you travel in the path that he wants you to travel. I know. I have experienced it. He has assigned you to a specific purpose and will see you through to its completion. The elect sows where it reaps not. It is not under the laws of this earth!Now, if you are not the elect you do have the unfortunate capability of making choices. You are under the law of sowing and reaping. But not to fear, the elect of God is purposed to bring you also out of captivity in due season. The elect of God will usher in the Kingdom and then will reconcile the world back to God.

A Sure Word of Prophecy

Prophets are God's mouth piece. They speak his words. I had someone the other day try to tell me that even though God gave me a word, that it was dependant on if the people involved wanted to believe in it and go with the program. I beg to differ and after you read this , you will see that it is the faith of the Son of God. Not in the belief of the people. Now I'm not saying you don't have to believe, but you will see the difference in believing and faith.

FAITH is SUBSTANCE. All my visions come true, by the way. Joseph had many dreams and visions. His brothers were so jealous of the fact that they threw him in a pit and sold him into slavery.Now it did not seem like Joseph in his own power tried to make his visions come to pass, he was just in a place where everything that happened to him, was the predestinated plan of God for him. God spoke to Joseph through dreams and visions and there was no devil in hell that could stop the word from God himself to Joseph concerning the visions he saw to come to pass. Now we know in the end that the visions he had did happen. We know that when God speaks through his prophets that it will happen, because it is God's voice. It is the faith of God himself. We (the prophets) are his voice. Now remember that it took Joseph 17 plus years for it to happen, but IT DID HAPPEN. That is a fact. The words of the prophets will come to pass, THEY HAVE TO.

True Holiness

Holiness is not in the way you act, the way you dress, the way you can quote the scriptures. True holiness is of the heart.

Now we know that man's heart is deceitful and desperately wicked and tries to justify itself all the time. Tries to attain to a righteous walk by doing.

God's holiness is a free gift, given to anyone who wants it. It is his glory and righteousness that we are clothed with. Guilt is associated with holiness that is attained on your own. Always trying to measure up, always trying to do something to attain it.

Isn't it wonderful that we don't have to do anything to obtain his holiness.

Everlasting Doors

Psalm 24: 7-87Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

We are everlasting doors.

The door to the Kingdom. When the weary traveller comes, we invite him to our house (temple) we let them come when they are thirsty, hungry, naked and afflicted, we feed them from the abundance that we are (in our temple). So let them knock, and seek and we will show them the King of Glory. The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.

Everlasting Doors

Psalm 24: 7-87Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.We are everlasting doors. The door to the Kingdom. When the weary traveller comes, we invite him to our house (temple) we let them come when they are thirsty, hungry, naked and afflicted, we feed them from the abundance that we are (in our temple). So let them knock, and seek and we will show them the King of Glory. The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.


Matthew 10: vs 36 to 38 And a man's foes (enemy) shall be of their own household.37He that loveth father or mother more than me , is not worthy of me, and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.38 and he that taketh not his cross (death) and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

When you think of the Kingdom of God, remember all of it is inside you, we are the household that the enemy is in, we label ourselves, mom, dad, sister, brother, wife, husband.....If we love these aspects of ourself and drown out the Christ within, we are not worthy because we are choking out his presence within us. We can look at all what the others are doing, however it is what lives inside that is important. Christ has to be more than mother, Christ has to be more than the father in you, Christ has to be more than anything. We pick up the cross and die (to self) and live HIS LIFE.