Saturday, August 16, 2008

We've been Marked !!!

In Pythagorean mathematics, the number 6 is considered the only \perfect\ number between one and ten. It signifies divine wisdom, harmony, equilibrium, and balance between the feminine and masculine dimensions of consciousness. The balances are in his hand. tee hee

666 then would represent our threefold nature and that it is in perfect operation. It is nothing to be afraid of. This mark everyone already has. It has always gone the way God wants it to go.

It is God that is in the Beastlike state of man and he is evolving as us. Yepereeee good neighbor.

We need to see this so we don't separate him from ourselves any longer. It is not us and God , it is only God. He never changes because he is always changing, he is the God who is, the God who was and the God which is to come. Always evolving.

"I AM THE LORD THY GOD AND BESIDES ME THERE IS NO OTHER" yes indeed. ooops blaspheme........ tee hee.

We are the waymakers of this universe It is the step Jesus made in perfect progression and then the people would not follow him any longer. yes they were not suppose to. They had to get it for themselves. Yeah!!!

That is when they will call you having a devil, and that we are blasphemers. we are marked by God. Branded. We belong to him. We cannot buy or sell unless we have this mark. He LIVES !!!

The whole creation needs this. They are being swallowed up in the lie and illusion of separation. We need to pierce through the veil of this illusion and enter into the most holy place.

Don't be afraid to take the mark of the beast, you already have it. Now we are being perfected according to the Divine purpose and plan.

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