Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The "Throat Chakra" dedicated to "Silent"

I am one who gets signs all the time. Or should I say, I see them and recognize them. Today my day did not start out well. My perception was in the toilet and my throat cried out the unbelief I still have residing in me. I sat quietly (yes me) and God began to show me this Indian that has taken a liking to me at the prison. His name is "Silent" tee hee.

At first I felt uncomfortable that this inmate was following me around and the such. But ah, yes there is a message in that too.

I was doing a bunk search yesterday and "Silent" approached me and said, don't do one in my bunk because I have sacred things you cannot touch. I told him that he was not the one I was doing the search on for that day, but at any given time I would do one.

As I walked over to the bunk of another inmate. "Silent" came and sat by me. He sat behind me on another inmates bunk and said he wanted to bring his fan and cool me. I looked at him like "what are you doing dude?" but you see, God was talking to me through that inmate. I just did not see it at the time.

He said I did not have to do a thorough search but I told him I had to do the best I could and then I laughed. I'm thinking to myself gee, what does this inmate want? Does he want to compromise me and get me fired? Is this a game or what

. At that moment while being in the situation, I did not see God's plan for me. I am hard headed at times and proud and God has to send remarkable things to me.

One of the other officers came in and asked me if I would work Chow hall today and said yes. As I was by the window where they all line up and get the food, I'm kinfof like a monitor to make sure no one is getting more than the other, (tee hee )

Silent walks up to me and again says "Norrbom, I'd walk into a wall for you". I thought it was crazy that he said that. Anyways he invited me to come to the Native American sweat lodge so he could show me his medicine bag. It's sacred so I'm not allowed to touch it but I told him that I did not know it was possible or not, depended on where I'm posted.

He said, "Norrbom, you will find your' way" yikes. Is this God or what? tee hee

It hit me and this morning I was not attuned to the higher vibrations of the crown Charkra. My focus was on the throat chakra and blurted out all kinds of crazy shit and then God reminded me of "Silent" today and I knew it. God sent this inmate to me. He sent him as a sign.

Silent actually has tatooed all over his neck the name "Silent" but I know now he was sent to tell me to silence the thoughts of despair I was thinking and not to voice them and give them power today. I did earlier and I repented to God for my disbelief. He has indeed sent me to the school of the spirit even at my employment to teach me what is going on.

Did not Jesus say "take not the thought and say it"

I did. I took the thought and said it and learned a powerful lesson.

I'm to "Silent" my throat chakra and then climb to the mountaintop( spirit) with the crown chakra. the funny thing is today I was to climb silly mountain (literally) and I called it off because of my crazy morning of the throat.

You see God wanted me to climb that silly mountain today and he wanted me to function in the crown, but i didn't. May I always see the signs God is giving me in everyday occurences. This one is for you "Silent" I love you today.

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